We welcome you to our world of “Pirate” sailing on the Knysna Lagoon!
As a child I was fascinated with stories about pirates and how they sailed the high seas searching for treasures and the stories of the swashbuckling sailors and captains of the ships!
Here is our story of hardship and adventure of the high seas before venturing into this amazing family business in Knysna… a tale with a twist!
“Each man in life has his own style, each man has his own story to tell – never ever judge a pirate….“
Captain Grobbelaar
A skipper with his own style and loves using the words “arrrr” and “avast”.
Renier is a sailing instructor by profession. He delivers yachts worldwide with lots of sea miles under his belt. You are in good hands! He is also the only captain that can open a beer with his lighter. You want to be his friend : )